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Germany – Buchenwald Nazi Concentration Camp

21 Jul 2013, Weimar, Germany --- Homosexuals' memorial plaque is placed where once stood one of the demolished barracks in Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, 21 July 2013. The camp, established by the Nazis in 1937, was one of the first and the largest of them on German soil, housing some 250.000 prisoners between 1937 and 1945. 65.000 prisoners were killed or died during this period. --- Image by © Horacio Villalobos/Corbis

Inaugurée en 2006 près de l’ancien block 45, cette dalle rend hommage à la mémoire des homosexuels internés au camp de Buchenwald entre 1937 et 1945. Parmi eux, 650 portèrent le triangle rose.